No  Simple  Highway
Don't be shy, go up and say hello,
        When you see someone you'd really like to know,
Don't be shy, it's all in your address,
        Baby, this time things won't turn out such a mess ...
— Village People, 'I Wanna Shake Your Hand', 1979

Meeting the World

When I arrived at UNH one of the first things that I had wanted to change about myself was how I went about meeting people. I had gotten into the habit of waiting for others to approach me, preferring to hang back where it was safe. I could be very social with people that I already knew, but very shy with those that I didn't. I decided that I wanted to actively change that approach, and see what life was like for the overly social.

Now that I was ready to meet people the second change I wanted to make was around the kind of people I met. I had good friends in Haddonfield, but they tended to be from one particular social group: kids like me. I didn't dislike those who were different, but I also didn't go out of my way to reach out to them either. I wanted to have a more eclectic and interesting social circle, so to make that happen I knew that I would have to actively seek out interesting people.

Playing the Socialite

From my first day on campus I tried a comically outgoing approach: I would just walk up to people and say hello. The quieter or more reserved the person the more friendly I would be. This felt unnatural at first, but I made a game out of it and pushed myself to stand well outside my comfort zone whenever new people were around. Since most of the people there didn't know anyone else I actually had people thanking me for getting conversations going. I was also surprised at how easy it was to meet people. I had always thought there was some secret art to it, but it turned out to be far simpler than I expected. It was a great lesson.

I also kept my eye out for interesting people. When I saw them I resisted the urge to think "Why would they want to be friends with me?" and instead started talking to them. Even the most inaccessible people responded well, and I was surprised at how often these people were grateful to me for initiating conversation. I heard more than once that others had judged me based on the way I looked (like a dumb high school jock) and were pleasantly surprised at who I turned out to be. On many occasions I noticed the person I was talking to sizing me up, clearly not sure what to make of me. With these people I made a point of staying focused on them and listening to what they were saying and I found that any apprehension that they showed faded quickly if they sensed a sincere interest in who they were.

Freshman Camp

I arrived at UNH in late August 1983. I had signed up for 'Freshman Camp' which started a week before classes and where I got to know a few hundred incoming students. This choice — combined with my new approach to meeting people — turned out to be a powerful combination, because for the rest of that year I couldn't walk anywhere on campus without someone calling out my name and saying hello. People who had gone to UNH for 2 or 3 years used to regularly ask me how I knew so many people, being an out-of-state freshman. I would tell them of course, but I always felt that they didn't believe me when I said, "I just went up and talked to them". They seemed to think there was some other secret to it...